Looking for Volunteers - Zebra Mussel Sampler
A letter dated Tuesday, July 23, 2024 from Emily B. Gable, Water Resources Specialist for Dakota County. Subject Line: Help with early detection and prevention of Zebra Mussels by monitoring your lake!
There is an attachment at the bottom of the document.
Good Morning!
We are stepping up monitoring on Dakota County water bodies for Aquatic Invasive Species, and would love your help! Dakota County has several Zebra Mussel Sampler plates available at no cost to residents, and we’re looking for volunteers to install and check them as a key early detection tool. Please forward this information out to members of your groups (and others who may be interested!), and have them respond directly to me at Emily.Gable@co.dakota.mn.us by August 1st if they wish to participate! We will be delivering the sampler plates during the first week in August.
The process is simple – hang a sampler plate about one foot off the bottom of your water body, check every two weeks, and report your findings back to county staff or the MN DNR! More details about the process are included in the attached PDF document.
Invasive species cause recreational, economic, and ecological damage—changing how residents and visitors use and enjoy Minnesota waters. Zebra mussels in particular can really disrupt the ecosystem of a lake because they’re filter feeders – reducing available food for native species and increasing growth of aquatic plants due to increased water clarity. Learn more about the impacts of zebra mussels on the MNDR’s webpage!
Help us with early detection and prevention efforts, and of course let me know what questions you have!
For more information or to participate in our early detection efforts, contact me at emily.gable@co.dakota.mn.us or 952-891-7008.
Thank you,
Emily B. Gable
Water Resource Specialist