October 31 Meeting Minutes
At the October 31, 2015 meeting of the Long Lake Watershed Assocation, members voted unanimously in favor of pursuing a chemical treatment of curly leaf pond weed in Long Lake. Read on for complete minutes of the meeting.
The October 31, 2015 LLWA meeting convened at the Apple Valley Public Library at 10:15 a.m.
Paul Habegger, Susan Allen, Chuck Grothaus, Cheri Grothaus, Ross Bernstein, Bobby Wertis, Patty Wertis, Randy McGlockin, Kristy McGlockin, Laura Linser, Dan Linser, Nancy Anderson, Kate Habegger, Diane Fields, Craig Fields, Al Thorson and Holly Jorgensen
Action Items/Discussion:
Review of meeting space/location going forward
Since Vivo is no longer able to accommodate the Association meeting needs, we will continue to schedule future meetings at the Apple Valley Public Library
New website
Chuck will launch the new Association website and send everyone the new URL
Meeting notices and meeting minutes will continue to be shared via email and on the website
Alum being distributed in neighboring ponds
Engineering delay with iron-enhanced treatment area
Discussion: Pursuing a chemical treatment option
A vote today doesn’t mean a chemical application will happen. It only means the process will be initiated
One vote per household and must reside on lakeshore
Homeowner – Darlene Glewwe – owns majority of lake area and must be advised of potential chemical treatment
Must have consensus – 75% must agree with decision. Does not have to be unanimous but will note if any resident is adamantly opposed
The window of initial five-year plan closed. We requested a new plan be developed and meeting has not been convened/scheduled. They have indicated next meeting will be in Fall/Winter 2015. Action item is for Paul to connect with TMDL Task Force and push for next meeting.
A 15% maximum portion of lake can be treated chemically. The DNR and city will determine where the largest area of infestation is at and apply chemicals in that area (if approved)
Al Thorson: What responsibility does city have for clean up of lake? When the neighborhood was designed, the city determined how water runoff would drain into lake. While lake residents want to clean up the lake, the responsibility lies with the city. What dollar commitment does city have and will they commit to doing the chemical treatment? They ‘ve created a big holding pond in Long Lake. They own the park with shoreline and they have responsibility to fix the issue. City has obligation to improve water quality. They are pressured by Federal Clean Water Act. We need to know what city is paying for and what they are asking residents to pay for. They have responsibility and obligation and need to commit money to the treatment – beyond the permitting.
Susan and Paul will push city on TMDL plan, timing of next five-year plan
Individual homeowners can physically clean up curly leaf along the shore
Ideal time to harvest – when water temp is 50-60 degrees (in spring)
Potential cost of chemical treatment: $1,275 share among 30 home owners - $42 per homeowner
Chemical Treatment Effectiveness- “Moderately effective on Alimagnet,” it’s not a cure all
DNR has mitigated negatives of chemical treatment by limiting it to a 15% surface area of the lake
Ask city if they can engage with service organizations to remove buckthorn from park area and properties
MOTION (Ross Bernstein) – Move to vote to pursue a chemical treatment on Long Lake in 2016 that is shared equally among a majority of homeowners after the city has applied its financial portion.
Seconded by Susan Allen
AMEND – Pursue as a primary option (prior to pursuing a next drawdown).
All in favor – a unanimous “aye” vote. Motion passes.
Determine next draw down timeframe
Investment in pipe/mechanics has been made. City wants to know from lake residents on frequency of drawdown.
Individuals on the lake appreciate it for a variety of reasons. Each drawdown does impact wildlife population.
If lake is treated with chemicals in 2016 then earliest drawdown is scheduled for Fall 2017.
Leave on table for Fall 2017 and make determination in 2016 so Association can advise City.
Other Comments
Nancy Anderson
Early in year – Pioneer Press article on small lakes/ponds cleanups. They put a small island in the lake. Floating bog device?
For additional articles and information on lakes that have been cleaned with chemical treatments, visit www.FixMyLake.com
Next meeting
Saturday, April 16, 2016. Paul will confirm so date won't conflict with city’s plant and tree sale