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LLWA Meeting Minutes - April 2015

The April 2015 meeting of the Long Lake Watershed Association was held in the meeting space at Vivo Restaurant in Apple Valley on Saturday, April 18, from 10:30 - 12:30. At the meeting, several items were discussed by attending members of LLWA and Apple Valley City Officials.

Call to Order /Introductions

Introduced to new Natural Resources Coordinator

Todd Blomstrom ( Public Works Director) introduced Jessica Schaum new (Natural Resources Coordinator), Jessica was introduced by Todd and mentioned that her skills in Water Quality & Lake Management, Forestry, and Government relations made her a great choice for the job she held with Shoreview. Jessica email is Her direct phone is 952-953-2461.

Steve McComas Aquatic Plant Surveys

Steve’s curly leaf survey will continue this spring that will show data to see if we are making progress. 3 steps to address Curly Leaf reduction will be taken by the City.

Mechanical harvesting- bids are in the process for this work.

Drawdown with lake. It was discussed that Steve McComas and the city would recommend the drawdown every 2-3 years. LLWA will take a vote to discuss our recommendations for drawdown. It is scheduled for this Fall to move with a drawdown.

Chemical Management- DNR regulations limit to 15% of lake to be applied with chemicals. City will require lake shore owners to participate in costs of chemical applications. It is estimated that the total cost would amount to about $1,500 for lake shore owners. This amount will be divided up with participating lakeshore owners. If voted/approved to move ahead with application, it will be scheduled next spring.

Pond Updates:

  1. Core samples have been collected and both Pilot Pond and Everest Pond will continue with Alum treatments this year. No chemical applications will be done with these ponds unless Curley Leaf is found.

  2. Iron Enhanced Sand Filters

  3. The sand filter on the west end of the lake is looking good for this year. A second location is in the process and will be delivered this year near Everest Pond.

TMDL Implementation Plan

The second Sand Filter pond along with the first will result in approximately 50% toward the goal of phosorous removal.

Action Item:

The City has asked for two members of LLWA to attend the upcoming City meetings to discuss a new TMDL agenda. Recommended that Paul & Susan attend these meetings.

Residential Efforts

It has been recommend by the City that lakeshore residents take advantage of efforts to help in reducing phosorous by attending Rain Barrel Workshop & Blue Thumb Workshops. Also, with lakeshore owners to plant rain gardens and take a conscious effort in lawn applications and leaf collections.

LLWA members will be asked to vote on the drawdown preliminary scheduled for this Fall and also about applying chemicals next Spring. You will be hearing more on this process soon.


Elections were made and all existing members with the exception of Secretary/Treasurer were re-appointed. Charles Grothaus has been elected to Secretary/Treasurer. Chuck is currently our webmaster and has accepted this position. You can view our website at :

C.A.M.P. volunteer

We thanked Christy McGlocklin for her years of service collecting water samples that are sent to the city for data collection. Joan Kettelcamp will take over this position.

Adjourn Meeting (12:30)

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